Autumn Term 2024  
Monday September 2nd
Tuesday September 3rd
Wednesday September 4th
Tuesday September 24th
Thursday September 26th
Monday September 30th
Tuesday October 1st
Tuesday October 15th
Wednesday October 16th
Friday October 18th
Monday October 21st
Tuesday October 22nd
Wednesday October 23rd
Thursday October 24th 
Friday October 25th
Monday October 28th
Friday November 1st
Monday November 4th
Wednesday November 6th
Friday November 8th
Monday November 11th
Tuesday November 12th
Wednesday November 13th
Friday November 15th
Wednesday November 20th
Sunday December 1st
Wednesday December 4th
Tuesday December 10th
Wednesday December 11th
Tuesday December 17th
Wednesday December 18th
Thursday December 19th
Friday December 20th
Training Day 1 – school closed
Training Day 2 – school closed
Autumn Term begins – children start
Y6 Olympic celebration day
School council/eco-committee elections
Y6 St. Alban’s parents meeting
Harvest Eucharist Service (10:30 am) parents welcome
Shwmae Su’mae Day
Whole school flu immunisation
Wear Red Day (Show racism the red card)
Parental Consultations & Book Fayre
Parental Consultations & Book Fayre
Parental Consultations & Book Fayre
Parental Consultations
Training Day 3 – school closed
Half Term starts
Half Term ends
P.T.A. Light Disco
Reception Coffee afternoon (2 p.m.) parents welcome
Colorfoto Individual photographs
Remembrance Service & Anti-bullying Week
Odd Socks Day 
Year 4 Coffee afternoon (2 p.m.) parents welcome
Children in Need Day
Open afternoon for prospective parents
Rectorial Benefice of Cwmbran Advent Carol Service at St. Gabriel’s
Year 6 Confirmation Service at St. Michael’s 6.30 p.m.
R, Y1 & Y2 Nativity 2.00 p.m.
R, Y1 & Y2 Nativity 2.00 p.m.
Christmas Party Day
Christmas Dinner Day
End of Term Service at St. Gabriel’s (1.30 p.m.) parents welcome 
Training Day 4 – school closed.
Spring Term 2025     
Monday January 6th
Wednesday January 15th
Monday January 27th
Monday February 3rd
Wednesday February 5th
Friday February 7th
Monday February 10th
Tuesday February 11th
Monday February 17th
Tuesday February 18th
Wednesday February 19th
Thursday February 20th
Monday February 24th
Friday February 28th
Tuesday March 4th
Thursday March 6th
Wednesday March 19th
Friday March 21st
Monday April 7th
Tuesday Aril 8th
Wednesday April 9th
Thursday April 10th
Friday April 11th
Start of Spring Term
Year 3 Coffee afternoon (2 p.m.) parents welcome
Mini-enterprise week 1
Mini-enterprise week 2
Year 1 Coffee Afternoon (2 p.m.) parents welcome
NSPCC Number Day
P.T.A. Valentine Disco
Safer Internet Day
Parental Consultations & Welsh Fayre
Parental Consultations and Welsh Fayre
Parental Consultations and Welsh Fayre
Parental Consultations and Welsh Fayre
Half Term starts
Half Term ends
St. David’s Day Eucharist/Eisteddfod Day
World Book Day
Y2 Coffee afternoon (2 p.m.) parents welcome
World Down Syndrome Day/Comic Relief Day
Shadow Holy Week
Y3/4 Easter Production 1.45 p.m.
Y3/4 Easter Production 1.45 p.m
Y6 Coffee afternoon (2 p.m.) parents welcome
End of Spring Term
Summer Term 2025     
Monday April 28th
Thursday May 1st
Monday May 5th
Wednesday May 7th
Monday May 26th
Friday May 30th
Tuesday June 3rd
Monday June 16th
Wednesday June 18th
Wednesday July 2nd
Wednesday July 9th
Thursday July 10th
Wednesday July 16th
Friday July 18th
Monday July 21st
Summer Term begins – children start
Training Day 5 – school closed
May Day Bank Holiday
Y5 Coffee afternoon (2 p.m.) parents welcome
Half Term starts
Half Term ends
Pentecoste Eucharist 10:30 a.m. parents welcome
Healthy Schools’ Week
Sports Day
Moving up/Transition Day
Y5/6 End of Year Production 1.45 p.m.
Y5/6 End of Year Production 1.45 p.m.
Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly 2.00 p.m.
End of Year Leavers’ Service at St. Gabriel’s
Training Day 6 – school closed

*Please note that trips, visits and P.T.A. events will be added to the diary when confirmed.