School Uniform

All children are obliged to wear the school uniform in accordance with the decision of the Governing Body, which is the Responsible Body for the school. There is a strict uniform code, which is outlined below.


Winter Uniform
Blue blouse/shirt & tie
Burgundy V neck sweatshirt or cardigan
Grey skirt/pinafore or grey trousers
Grey tights or socks
Black shoes


Summer Uniform
Burgundy stripe dress (not check)
Blue polo shirt & grey skirt, shorts or trousers
White or grey socks
Black shoes


House colour t-shirt
White or long black socks

Black shorts
Black shoes

All children are to wear black shorts and a t-shirt of their house colour. P.E. takes place in doors and is always undertaken in bare feet. For outdoor P.E. children will need black jogging bottoms and trainers.

In the summer term all children will need black shorts, t-shirt (house colour) and trainers.

Most of the school uniform is available at Pretty Miss in Cwmbran. All polo shirts, sweatshirts, cardigans and t-shirts have the school logo on them. The striped summer dresses are available from Marks & Spencer Ltd. There are also several internet providers whose names can be obtained from the school office.

We recommend that each child has a bag with a draw string for P.E. and games kit and that this is left in school so that it is available should the P.E. timetable be amended at short notice.

For a number of reasons there will be times when children will be unable to take part in physical education lessons. On these occasions a written note must be provided.

It will be most helpful if all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name otherwise searches for lost property may be unsuccessful. The school will not be responsible for any unnamed clothing.